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Doctor Checking a Form

Dietary & Wellness

Diet Prescriptions

Students requiring meal modifications must submit a signed Prescription for School Meal Modification form their school's Cafeteria Manager. Forms must be completed and signed by the student's physician or authorized medical authority. School Meal Modification Forms must be renewed annually. Meal modifications and/or substitutions cannot be made until a current form is received and  processed.       


For questions or assistance regarding meal modifications, contact (225) 686-4278

Wellness Policy

Livingston Parish Public Schools enacted a local wellness policy in accordance with state and federal laws. As required by the Louisiana Legislature, the District annually appoints a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) comprised of representatives from each of its 43 schools.  To further our commitment to student wellness, routine assessments are conducted to review policy compliance, assess progress, and determine areas in need of improvement. As part of that review, the School Board and staff shall review all nutrition and physical activity policies to ensure an environment that supports healthy eating and physical activity. In addition, nutrition and physical education policies, as well as, program elements will be assessed using the Louisiana Department of Education Wellness Policy Evaluation tool. Assessment results will be shared with SHAC members.


The School Board and individual schools within the District shall, as necessary, revise the wellness policies and develop work plans to facilitate their implementations.                                      

LaCHIP Affordable 
Healthcare Plan

Louisiana Children's Health Insurance Program (LaCHIP)

offers student health coverage at no cost.


For more information  visit

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Child Nutrition Department 

13909 Florida Boulevard

Livingston, Louisiana 70754

(225) 686-4278

(225) 686-4278

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. 

Adult Meal Pricing 



LPPS Employee  $ 3.50

Visitor              $ 3.50



LPPS Employee  $ 5.00

Visitor              $ 6.00

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